
"Great traveler passionate about the world,
his spiritual quest animates his art and inspires his spirit."
Guy FERRER (1955) is French of Mediterranean origin. He has mainly worked in Paris, in Los Angeles and in several foreign countries in the context of creating temporary studios as New York, Caracas, Lima, Beijing, Johannesburg...
In 2012, the installation of his art studios in French Catalonia marked his return to the Mediterranean. His work, mainly dedicated to sculpture and painting, also explores writing and architecture. Its line of force and main themes are spirituality and the place of Man facing Time.
Since the 1980s, Guy Ferrer has developed an international career, highlighted by exhibitions in numerous galleries and museums worldwide. The French government has recognized Mr. Ferrer
as one of it's most formidable artists with a monumental bronze
sculpture for the French embassy in Singapore, a giant fresco painted for the French embassy in Baku (Azerbaijan), and sculptures for the French Foreign Affairs central site in Paris. The O.E.C.D commissioned and permanently displayed the large triptych entitled Liberté-Egalité-Fraternité.
Mr. Ferrer has artistic partnerships with companies throughout France, including Lefranc & Bourgeois, Le Bon Marché, Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, Champagne Jacquart, and Bordeaux vineyards. Mr. Ferrer recently completed the restoration of the beautiful paintings by his close friend (now deceased) Alix Aymé at the National Museum in Luang Prabang, Laos.

" World traveler, Guy Ferrer draws from his many stays of work abroad the human matter which animates his work and inspires its spirit. Impassioned by the spiritualities of the world, he offers to us with power his sensitive and poetic vision of Man tightened by Time and facing his paradoxical destiny :
the Man is, according to Ferrer, both of light and mud, and one's pathway of life is an initiation. "
Victoria Conti, 2009